Conference on Transforming Science,Ghent,25-04-2024:'Medical research without Big Pharma: it’s preferable, it’s profitable, and it’s practicable'
Conference on Science, Technology, and Humanity,Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb,07-12-2023:'The synthetic philosophy of Srđan Lelas'
Paneldiscussie Essentiële geneesmiddelen als publiek goed,KNAW Amsterdam,27-11-2023:'Medisch onderzoek zonder patenten'
Epidemiology Colloquium, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum,Leiden,07-09-2023:'How (not) to be held accountable in research: The case of the Dutch integrity code'
Symposium on Concepts and their Uses, Swiss Philosophical Society,Univesity of Bern,28-08-2023:'Empirical concepts: their meaning and its emergence'
Research Integrity Rounds, Radboud University Medical Centre (online webinar),Nijmegen,14-06-2023:'Patenting the results of medical research: who profits and who doesn’t.'
Workshop Threads of Emergence,University of Western England, Bristol,26-05-2023:'Empirical concepts: their meaning and its emergence'
Book launch, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam,22-05-2023:'Federica Russo’s Techno-Scientific Practices: A philosophical appraisal'
Workshop Science of Science: Beneficial Disruptions,Institute of Advanced Study, Amsterdam,12-04-2023:'Beneficial disruptions in science and research'
Workshop on Science at the crossroads: Intersections between academic research and journalism,Paris,04-11-2022:'How (not) to be held accountable in research: The case of the Dutch integrity code'
Conference on Engaging ethics and epistemology in science,Hannover,29-09-2022:'Science in the public interest: its theory and its practice'
Conference on Scientific expertise, communication and trust,Aarhus (online),27-09-2022:'Science, trust and the public good: Some philosophical comments'
NVWF Conference,ISVW, Leusden,28-06-2022:'Empiricism must, but cannot, presuppose real causation'
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Uhlenbeck lecture),Amsterdam,10-06-2022:'Values and norms in codes of ethics for scientists'
EOAR Seminar,Adelaide (online),27-04-2022:'Science in the public interest: its theory and practice'
PhD discussion group,Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge (online),16-03-2022:'Q&A session on The world observed/The world conceived'
Book Symposium 'From Commodification to the Common Good',Sarton Centre for History of Science (Ghent University),16-02-2022:'From commodification to the common good: A bird's eye (re)view'
Conference on Reconsidering empiricism in the philosophy of science,Bristol, online,01-04-2021:'Empiricism must, but cannot, presuppose real causation'
Conference on Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations,Twente University, online,07-11-2020:'Critical theory of the common good, technology, and the corona tracking app'
Colloquium Institute for Science In Society,Online, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen,27-10-2020:'Do open-acces publishing and a national research agenda serve the public interest of science?'
MANCEPT workshop on The public interest and the common good,Manchester (online),09-09-2020:'Technology and the critical theory of the common good'
Guest lecture, Bachelor Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,06-12-2019:'Merton and the commodification of science'
Conference on The Impact of Corporate Funding on Information Law and Policy Research, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam,23-10-2019:'How to counter the commodification of (academic) research?'
Guest lecture, Master Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,09-10-2019:'Merton and the commodification of science'
Conference on Science, Freedom and Democracy, Hungarian Academy of Science,Budapest,08-07-2019:'Which science, which democracy, and which freedom?'
Conference on Bias in AI and Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen,Nijmegen,17-06-2019:'Bias in the socio-material realization of AI technologies'
Farewell Symposium Henk van den Belt, Wageningen University & Research,Wageningen,08-05-2019:'The future of science and technology: more commodification or more common good?'
Presentatie en paneldiscussie Afdeling Farmaceutische Wetenschappen, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-03-2019:'Farmaceutische wetenschap en commercie'
Conference on Understanding Replication across the Sciences, Rotman Institute of Philosophy,London (Ontario),12-10-2018:'Reproduction and reproducibility in experimental and observational research'
Guest lecture, Master Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,09-10-2018:'Merton and the commodification of science'
Workshop ‘Democratisation of science’, Universiteit Jean Moulin 3,Lyon,28-05-2018:'Which scientific knowledge is a common good?'
Guest lecture Afdeling Farmaceutische Wetenschappen, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-03-2018:'Zijn universitaire patenten verenigbaar met een Mertoniaans onderzoeksethos?'
Workshop 'Perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution', Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,Daejeon,25-11-2017:'Theory and practice of scientific and technological patenting: an overview of philosophical and social issues'
Workshop on Philosophy of Industry-Funded Science, Yonsei University Seoul,Seoul,24-11-2017:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the patenting of academic research'
Workshop ‘Anreiz, Kosten und Erkenntnisqualität’, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld,Bielefeld,18-11-2017:'Which scientific knowledge is a common good?'
EPSA conference,Exeter,09-09-2017:'Causality, theory ladenness and reproducibility in experimental science'
Conference Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science,Toronto,27-05-2017:'Causality, theory ladenness and reproducibility in experimental science'
Panel discussion ‘The state of science in society’, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,18-04-2017:'Cracks in science: What is the biggest threat to science?'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam,16-03-2017:'Scientific knowledge as a common good'
Symposium ‘Toekomst van de filosofie’, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Groningen,15-03-2017:'Universiteit en filosofie: nu en in de toekomst'
Philosophy Colloquium, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,13-03-2017:'Some comments on Susan Haack’s 'Science, Yes; Scientism, No’'
Symposium 'Free Science! Wissenschaft zwischen Goethe und Kommerz', Ruhr-Universität Bochum,Bochum,27-01-2017:'What’s the good of science?'
Symposium on Mediation Theory and Philosophy of Technology, Twente University,Enschede,17-11-2016:'Technological systems and genuine public interests'
Symposium on Technology and Scientific Knowledge, Twente University,Enschede,16-11-2016:'Theory and practice of scientific and technological patenting: an overview of philosophical and social issues'
Symposium ‘Het idee van een universiteit’, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,09-11-2016:'Elf (of zelfs twaalf) fundamentele problemen van het tweede geldstroom onderzoek'
MANCEPT workshop on The Politics of Higher Education,Manchester,09-09-2016:'Why scientific knowledge is, and should remain, a common good'
Workshop ‘Philosophy of Technology after the Empirical Turn', TU Delft,Delft,17-06-2016:'Philosophy of technology after the empirical turn: some comments'
NVWF Conference,Doorn,19-05-2016:'How inclusive is European philosophy of science?'
Amsterdam Medical Student Convention,Amsterdam,07-05-2016:'‘Fraude' in de wetenschap. En wat eraan te doen?'
Symposium on Critical Theory of Technology and STS,Maastricht,20-04-2016:'Technological systems and genuine public interests'
Research School for Media Studies, Universiteit Utrecht,Utrecht,08-04-2016:'The present university and its future'
OZSW Conference, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,12-12-2015:'Causality, theory ladenness and reproducibility in experimental science'
OZSW Conference, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,11-12-2015:'Technological systems and genuine public interests'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University,Tilburg,27-11-2015:'Causality, theory ladenness and reproducibility in experimental science'
Guest lecture Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, UCL,London,22-10-2015:'The commodification of academic research'
Guest lecture Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Diderot University,Parijs,20-10-2015:'Causality, theory ladenness and reproducibility in experimental science'
Nacht van de universiteit, Rijks Universiteit Groningen,Groningen,16-10-2015:'Maatschappij en Universiteit'
Studium Generale, Wageningen Universiteit en Research,Wageningen,06-10-2015:'The present university and its future'
Paneldiscussie Jonge Socialisten in de PvdA,Amsterdam,09-09-2015:'Universitaire politiek en onderwijs'
Manchester Workshops in Political Theory,Manchester,02-09-2015:'Technological systems and genuine public interests'
SPSP conference,Aarhus,25-06-2015:'How to practice philosophy of science in society'
Panel discussion, Tilburg University,Tilburg,11-06-2015:'The future of the university'
De Nieuwe Universiteit (Universiteit Utrecht),Utrecht,08-06-2015:'The Academic Manifesto: from an occupied to a public university'
Paneldiscussie Spui-25 (Universiteit van Amsterdam),Amsterdam,04-06-2015:'De ontdekkers van de hemel. De Nederlandse sterrenkunde in de twintigste eeuw'
Guest lecture De Nieuwe Universiteit (VU Amsterdam),Amsterdam,29-05-2015:'Het Academisch Manifest: van een bezette naar een publieke universiteit'
Paneldiscussie Rethinking Academia, De Nieuwe Universiteit, Amsterdam,Amsterdam,03-05-2015:'De rol van de universiteit in de samenleving'
Guest lecture Eötvös University Budapest,Budapest,09-04-2015:'The Academic Manifesto: from an occupied to a public university'
Guest lecture Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto,Toronto,28-01-2015:'Theory and practice of scientific and technological patenting: an overview of philosophical and social issues'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Canada,Waterloo,20-01-2015:'The Academic Manifesto: from an occupied to a public university'
Guest lecture Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Canada,Waterloo,19-01-2015:'Theory and practice of scientific and technological patenting: an overview of philosophical and social issues'
Guest lecture Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University,Maastricht,14-01-2015:'What’s the good of science? On its philosophical justification and its social legitimation'
Paneldiscussie Amsterdamse Academische Club,Amsterdam,27-11-2014:'De global corporate university'
Paneldiscussie Senaat Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,18-11-2014:'Van disciplinair naar transdisciplinair: een nieuw tijdperk voor de wetenschap?'
Guest lecture, Amsterdam University College,Amsterdam,16-10-2014:'The sociology of science'
Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte, PhD seminar,Utrecht,01-10-2014:'Interdisciplinarity in philosophy of science: its relation to the history of science'
Paneldiscussie Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,22-09-2014:'De organisatie van de wetenschap'
Paneldiscussie Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte,Utrecht,25-06-2014:'De maatschappelijke rol van de academische filosofie'
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Afdeling Geschiedenis,Amsterdam,22-05-2014:'Het Platform H.NU: uitgangspunten, doelstellingen en plannen'
Paneldiscussie Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-05-2014:'De hereniging van alfa en bèta'
Afscheidssymposium ‘De cognitieve drie-eenheid’, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,11-04-2014:'De cognitieve drie-eenheid: repliek'
Afscheidscollege, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,11-04-2014:'Waartoe wetenschap? Over haar filosofische rechtvaardiging en maatschappelijke legitimering'
Onderzoekslunch, Faculteit Wijsbegeerte VU,Amsterdam,13-03-2014:'Exploring philosophical issues in the patenting of scientific and technological inventions'
Symposium afscheid prof. Miguel A. Cuesta, Faculteit Geneeskunde, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,12-12-2013:'Het leven is actie (in drievoud)'
WTMC Annual Meeting,Amsterdam,28-11-2013:'Science in Transition: its merits and its problems'
OZSW Conference 2013,Rotterdam,15-11-2013:'Exploring philosophical issues in the patenting of scientific and technological inventions'
Symposium on Philip Kitcher’s Science in a Democratic Society, Erasmus University Rotterdam,Rotterdam,07-11-2013:'On well-ordered, commodified, and 'applied' science: Comments on Kitcher’s Science in a Democratic Society'
Symposium ‘Making life sciences a more inclusive endeavour in the age of intellectual property’, Wageningen UR,Wageningen,01-11-2013:'A deflationary neo-Mertonian critique of academic patenting'
Guest lecture Instituut voor Interdisciplinaire Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,24-09-2013:'De commodificering van wetenschap en universiteit'
EPSA13 Conference,Helsinki,29-08-2013:'Towards a comprehensive (European?) philosophy of science'
Workshop ‘Science in Transition’, Universiteit Utrecht,Utrecht,28-06-2013:'Science in the public interest: its meaning and continued significance'
Guest lecture Faculty of Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-06-2013:'Do Harper and Westphal undergird Newton’s causal realism?'
Ringvorlesungsreihe, Technische Universität,Darmstadt,03-06-2013:'How to counter neoliberal science policy? From commodified to public-interest science'
Workshop on Dimensions of Measurement, ZiF,Bielefeld,15-03-2013:'Benjamin Libet’s measurement of freely willed decisions: a critical analysis'
GWP Conference,Hannover,11-03-2013:'What kind of philosophy in the philosophy of science?'
Seminar on Philosophy of the Natural Sciences, Institute for Physics and Technology (Skype presentation),Moscow,04-02-2013:'Core notions for the philosophy of scientific experimentation'
Workshop on Science and Democracy, Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen,Copenhagen,15-12-2012:'Science in the public interest: its meaning and continued significance'
IWT-Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld,Bielefeld,03-12-2012:'Why technologies are inherently normative'
Workshop on Theoretical Philosophy,Eindhoven,02-11-2012:'Does the brain 'initiate' freely willed processes? A philosophy of science critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Faculty of philosophy, Bergische Universität,Wuppertal,15-10-2012:'Does the brain 'initiate' freely willed processes? A philosophy of science critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Workshop ‘Grundlagenwissenschaften versus Verwertungswissenschaften?’, Ruhr-Universität,Bochum,28-09-2012:'Neo-Mertonianism: reply to friends and critics'
Symposium ‘De universiteit in de uitverkoop?’, Universiteit voor Humanistiek,Utrecht,15-06-2012:'De commodificering van wetenschap en universiteit'
Workshop ‘Science and the public’, Center for Interdisciplinary Research,Bielefeld,01-06-2012:'Science in the public interest: its meaning and continued significance'
NIAS Annual Meeting,Wassenaar,08-05-2012:'Book presentation: Science transformed? Debating claims of an epochal break'
Guest lecture Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University,Hannover,24-04-2012:'Does the brain “initiate” freely willed processes? A critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Guest lecture Institute of Philosophy, Eötvös Lorand University,Budapest,04-04-2012:'Does the brain “initiate” freely willed processes? A critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Guest lecture Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Eötvös Lorand University,Budapest,02-04-2012:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commodification of academic research'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam,29-03-2012:'De commodificering van wetenschap en universiteit'
Guest lecture Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University,Maastricht,29-02-2012:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commodification of academic research'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Lethbridge,Lethbridge,26-01-2012:'Does the brain “initiate” freely willed processes? A critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Guest lecture Department of Communication and Culture, University of,Calgary,18-01-2012:'Why technologies are inherently normative'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia,Vancouver,06-01-2012:'Does the brain 'initiate' freely willed processes? A critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Guest lecture Interdisciplinary research group in science, technology and security,Darmstadt,14-12-2011:'Critical philosophy of technology: the basic issues'
Guest lecture University of Technology,Darmstadt,13-12-2011:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commodification of academic research'
Second Dutch-German workshop on philosophy of technology,Delft,28-10-2011:'Exploring philosophical issues in the patenting of scientific and technological inventions'
14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Nancy,20-07-2011:'Does the brain ‘initiate’ freely willed processes? A critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation'
Guest lecture Academisch cultureel centrum ‘Spui 25’,Amsterdam,31-05-2011:'Heeft de wetenschapsfilosofie nog toekomst?'
VU Alumnidag 2011,Amsterdam,28-05-2011:'Neurowetenschap en vrije wil (copresented with Gerben Meynen)'
Symposium ‘Vóór een zelfstandiger universiteit! Over de verhouding van universiteit en NWO’,Den Haag,13-05-2011:'De universiteiten in (en uit?) de houdgreep van NWO'
Guest lecture Seminar Utrecht Life Sciences ‘That Thing Called Science’,Utrecht,15-04-2011:'The commodification of academic research'
NIAS seminar,Wassenaar,24-02-2011:'Are we our brains? (panel presentation)'
Conference ‘Ontologies of artifacts’,Moscow,15-11-2010:'Why technologies are inherently normative'
Philosophy of Science Association,Montreal,05-11-2010:'Philosophical issues in scientific patenting'
Workshop ‘Blame, Praise, & Free Will’,Amsterdam,27-09-2010:'Neuroscience, causality and free will: a critique of Libet-type experiments from the viewpoint of philosophy of science (co-presented with Gerben Meynen)'
First Dutch-German workshop on philosophy of technology,Berlin,26-08-2010:'Comments on 'Information and knowledge in a codified world''
Humboldt Colloquium ‘Truth or profit? On the commodification of university and science’,Amsterdam,26-11-2009:'How to counter the commodification of academic research'
Thirteenth Workshop of the ‘Network for Philosophy of Science and Technology’,Ravenstein,29-09-2009:'The material realization and conceptual interpretation of observational processes'
Thirteenth Workshop of the ‘Network for Philosophy of Science and Technology’,Ravenstein,28-09-2009:'Cognitive approaches to philosophy of science and technology: introduction to the theme'
Symposium ‘Praktijkgericht wetenschappelijk onderzoek’, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen,Nijmegen,04-09-2009:'Is alle wetenschap praktijkwetenschap?'
Biennial Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, University of Twente,Enschede,09-07-2009:'Have we just moved into the age of technoscience?'
Debat ‘Overleeft de filosofie de universitaire kenniseconomie?, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,07-05-2009:'Economisering en disciplinering in het (filosofisch) onderwijs en onderzoek'
Workshop ‘Politics and Normativity in our Research’, TU Twente,Enschede,18-03-2009:'Critical philosophy of technology'
Kick-off Meeting ‘Things that make us smart: cognitive artifacts and extended minds’,Amsterdam,24-02-2009:'The significance of cognitive artifacts: experimentation and observation'
Guest lecture Department of Sociology and Philosophy,Exeter,12-11-2008:'Why technologies are inherently normative'
Workshop on Philosophy and Engineering,London,11-11-2008:'Have we just moved into the age of technoscience?'
4S/EASST Conference,Rotterdam,23-08-2008:'A deflated Mertonian critique of academic patenting'
Wheeler workshop, VU University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,03-06-2008:'Reconstructing the cognitive world: some critical questions'
Workshop ‘The Epochal Break Thesis’, ZiF,Bielefeld,05-04-2008:'Science and its history: from an epochal break to novel nonlocal patterns'
Research Colloquium Theoretische Philosophie, Universiteit Düsseldorf,Düsseldorf,15-01-2008:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
First Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association,Madrid,18-11-2007:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commercialisation of academic research'
Workshop 'Philosophy and Engineering', TU Delft,Delft,30-10-2007:'Why technologies are inherently normative'
Guest lecture London School of Economics,London,16-10-2007:'The material realization and conceptual interpretation of observational processes'
Guest lecture Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge,Cambridge, UK,15-10-2007:'The material realization and conceptual interpretation of observational processes'
Conference ‘Science in the Context of Application’, ZiF,Bielefeld,29-09-2007:'The quality of academic research in an age of commodified science'
Conference 'Science, Technology and Innovation Studies in Amsterdam … and Beyond',Amsterdam,02-07-2007:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commodification of academic research'
Workshop 'The Commodification of Academic Research', Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,23-06-2007:'Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commodification of academic research'
Workshop 'The Commodification of Academic Research', Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-06-2007:'Introduction to the theme of the workshop'
Workshop on Commercialization and Commodification of Science, ZiF,Bielefeld,11-06-2007:'The continued significance of the Mertonian ethos of science'
Conference ‘Concepts and Emotions’,Antwerpen,27-04-2007:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
Guest lecture University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy,Tokyo,09-03-2007:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
Guest lecture University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy,Tokyo,08-03-2007:'Core notions for the philosophy of scientific experimentation'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, Tohoku University, Japan,Sendai,06-03-2007:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, Tohoku University, Japan,Sendai,05-03-2007:'Core notions for the philosophy of scientific experimentation'
Guest lecture Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung,Bielefeld,30-01-2007:'Models of the science-technology relationship'
Workshop ‘Philosophy of the Technological Sciences’,Eindhoven,19-01-2007:'Are technologies intrinsically normative?'
Workshop ‘Philosophy of the Technological Sciences’,Eindhoven,18-01-2007:'Science, technology, and the science-technology relationship'
Najaarsvergadering Vereniging van Ethici in Nederland,Utrecht,11-12-2006:'Technologie en normativiteit'
Workshop ‘Perspectives on Scientific Practice from Science and the Science Studies’, Lorentz Center,Leiden,27-11-2006:'Nonlocal patterns and nonlocal meanings in the development of the sciences'
Seventh Workshop of the ‘Network for Philosophy of Science and Technology’,,Ravenstein,24-11-2006:'Referential realism revisited'
4S Conference,Vancouver,03-11-2006:'Critical philosophy of technology: the basic issues'
Institute of Philosophy, UNAM,Mexico City,31-10-2006:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
Institute of Philosophy, UNAM,Mexico City,30-10-2006:'Core notions for the philosophy of scientific experimentation'
Minisymposium, Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, VU,Amsterdam,18-10-2006:'The world observed/The world conceived: repliek aan Van Woudenberg, Buekens en Marres'
Derde Wetenschapsdag Anesthesiologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,29-09-2006:'De werkelijkheid van de wetenschap: objectief, subjectief of interactief?'
Filosofische gesprekskring Bloemendaal/Overveen,Bloemendaal,20-04-2006:'Notities over het onbehagen in het technisch-economische bestel'
Workshop ‘Science in the Context of Application: Structuring the Research Process’,Bielefeld,27-02-2006:'Science in the context of application: comments and projects'
Fifth Workshop of the ‘Network for Philosophy of Science and Technology’,Ravenstein,01-12-2005:'Technology and Theory in Experimental Science'
14th Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Technology,Delft,20-07-2005:'Semantic and ontological issues of technological design. Comments on the papers by Asger Eir and Per Galle'
Symposium ‘De commercialisering van de wetenschap’,Nijmegen,16-06-2005:'De commercialisering van de wetenschap: van oplossing naar probleem'
Symposium ‘Critical Approaches to Technology’,Amsterdam,10-06-2005:'Why technological artefacts have politics'
Postgraduate Finnish Summer School on ‘Philosophical Issues in Science and Technology Studies’,Helsinki,03-06-2005:'Normativity and/in science and technology studies'
Postgraduate Finnish Summer School on ‘Philosophical Issues in Science and Technology Studies’,Helsinki,02-06-2005:'Technology and theory in experimental science'
Conference ‘Identity: Ontological Perspectives’,Amsterdam,26-05-2005:'Identity and individuation: philosophically and scientifically'
Guest lecture Studentenpastoraat,Amsterdam,26-04-2005:'De werkelijkheid van de wetenschap: objectief, subjectief of interactief?'
Conference on STS (R)evolutions, Virginia Tech,Blacksburg,19-03-2005:'Technological artifacts do have politics'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, Simon Fraser University,Vancouver,14-03-2005:'Why technological artifacts do have politics'
WTMC Workshop,Ravenstein,26-01-2005:'Normativity and/in Science and Tecchnology Studies'
Philosophy of Science Association,Austin,18-11-2004:'Applying Science: Some Comments'
8ste lustrum Faculteit Wijsbegeerte VU,Amsterdam,05-11-2004:'Alles van waarde is nuttig. Over filosofie, praktijk en nut'
EIPE Seminar, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam,Rotterdam,01-11-2004:'Observation, concepts and abstraction'
First GJSS Workshop on Interdisciplinarity in the Social Sciences, London School of Economics,London,24-09-2004:'Integrating history, sociology and philosophy of science and technology? Opportunities and problems'
Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar, University of Bielefeld,Bielefeld,10-05-2004:'Experiment as the link between science and technology'
Derde Vlaams-Nederlands Congres voor Algemene en Speciale Wetenschapsfilosofie,Leusden,15-04-2004:'Psychologie, fysicalisme en echte fysica'
Derde Vlaams-Nederlands Congres voor Algemene en Speciale Wetenschapsfilosofie,Leusden,14-04-2004:'Een rigoreuze theorie van waarneembaarheid?'
Symposium over Integriteit, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,24-03-2004:'De integriteit van de wetenschap en de wetenschapper'
Technology and Ethics Workshop, Twente University,Enschede,30-01-2004:'The role of technology in techno-ethics'
Oratie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-11-2003:'Wetenschap als koopwaar? Een filosofische kritiek'
International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Oviedo,08-08-2003:'A critique of the constructive empiricist notion of observability'
NVWF-Symposium 'Wetenschap en Technologie: een paar apart?',Amsterdam,20-06-2003:'Het experiment als schakel tussen wetenschap en technologie'
Hermeneutics and Science Conference,Tihany,09-06-2003:'Hermeneutic studies of science and technology in the last decades'
Hermeneutics and Science Conference,Tihany,08-06-2003:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
Onderzoeksmiddag Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, VU,Amsterdam,11-04-2003:'Over de materiële realisering en conceptuele interpretatie van waarnemingsprocessen'
Dibner-Israel Workshop 'Going Wrong and Making it Right',Egina,05-04-2003:'How to study experimental error'
Symposium 'De filosofie van het wetenschappelijk experimenteren', Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,29-03-2003:'De filosofie van het wetenschappelijk experimenteren: repliek'
Symposium 'Ethics in Science', Wageningen UR,Wageningen,28-11-2002:'Assessing the commodification of science: The case of product patenting'
4S Conference,Milwaukee,08-11-2002:'How to patent the sun. A critique of the concept and practice of product patenting'
Openingsconferentie Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte VU,Elspeet,06-09-2002:'Over gender, wetenschap en technologie'
Conference on 'Technological Knowledge: Philosophical Reflections', Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,Eindhoven,14-06-2002:'Detached thing knowledge: a commentary'
WTMC AIO-workshop, TU Twente,Enschede,25-01-2002:'Normativiteit in het wetenschaps- en technologie-onderzoek'
Guest lecture Sectie Filosofie, Technische Universiteit Delft,Delft,10-12-2001:'Filosofie en empirie'
WTMC Voortgangsconferentie,Leusden,22-11-2001:'Normativiteit in het wetenschaps- en technologie-onderzoek'
Studium Generale, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-11-2001:'Commerciële wetenschap en het ideaal van een republikeinse universiteit'
Presentatie in Agnietenconvent,Gouda,11-11-2001:'Ethiek in DNA-debat onmisbaar'
Sociology of Science and Technology Network, ESA Conference,Helsinki,30-08-2001:'How to patent the sun. A critique of the concept and practice of product patenting'
Workshop on 'Normative, political and cultural aspects of human genetics', Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,21-08-2001:'How to patent the sun. A critique of the concept and practice of product patenting'
Conference on 'Nature and Technology',Aberdeen,11-07-2001:'How to patent the sun. A critique of the concept and practice of product patenting'
Symposium 'Wetenschap, Natuur en Ethiek', Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, :,Amsterdam,29-06-2001:'Afscheid van de rationaliteit?!'
Conference on 'The epistemology of basic belief', Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,Amsterdam,22-06-2001:'Observation, conceptual interpretation, and basic beliefs'
Tweede Vlaams-Nederlands Congres voor Algemene en Speciale Wetenschapsfilosofie,Leusden,19-05-2001:'Hoe begrippen de werkelijkheid structureren èn ervan abstraheren'
Presentatie Filosofisch Café Felix & Sofie,Amsterdam,08-05-2001:'Patenteer de zon!'
WTMC-workshop 'Utopisme, postmodernisme en cultuurkritiek', Universiteit Twente,Enschede,19-01-2001:'De crypto-normativiteit voorbij: theoretisch en praktisch'
Philosophy of Science Association, 2000 Meeting,Vancouver,04-11-2000:'Primitive rays and aetherial air: On the impossibility of theory-free experiments'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, George Mason University,Fairfax VA,01-11-2000:'Psychology, physicalism and real physics'
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, George Mason University,Fairfax VA,31-10-2000:'Experimental reproducibility and its philosophical and social uses'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, Wesleyan University,Middletown CT,30-10-2000:'Experimental reproducibility and its philosophical and social uses'
Academic Seminar 'Is nature ever evil, wrong or ugly'?, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,24-10-2000:'Comments on Mary Midgley's 'Criticising the cosmos''
International workshop 'Towards a more developed philosophy of scientific experimentation', VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,16-06-2000:'Technology and Theory in Experimental Science'
Facultaire Onderzoeksmiddag, Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,19-05-2000:'Hoe begrippen de werkelijkheid structureren èn ervan abstraheren'
Symposium 'Explanatory Pluralism', VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,08-12-1999:'Psychology, physicalism and real physics'
Guest lecture Vakgroep 'Geschiedenis en grondslagen van de natuurwetenschappen', Universiteit Utrecht,Utrecht,19-11-1999:'Philosophy and history of science: beyond the Kuhnian paradigm'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Nevada,Reno,27-10-1999:'Normative issues in science, technology and society'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Nevada,Reno,26-10-1999:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
4S Conference,San Diego,29-09-1999:'The secularization of science'
Finnish Society for Science Studies,Helsinki,23-09-1999:'A referentially realist epistemology for the experimental sciences: conceptual interpretation, material realization and formal correspondence'
Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki,Helsinki,22-09-1999:'How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it'
Onderzoeksgroep 'Sociale kennistheorie', Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, RU Groningen,Groningen,20-05-1999:'Conceptual and connectionist analyses of observation: A critical evaluation'
Alumni-studiedag, Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,08-05-1999:'Van Kuhn tot Latour, en verder'
Guest lecture Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Groningen,18-11-1998:'Een ontologie voor de empirische wetenschappen: lokale realiseringen, niet-lokale betekenissen en mensonafhankelijke potentialiteiten'
EASST Conference,Lissabon,03-10-1998:'After the moratorium: on abstraction and sociological meaning finitism'
Belgisch genootschap voor logica en wetenschapsfilosofie,Brussel,14-02-1998:'An ontology for the empirical sciences: local realizations, nonlocal meanings and human-independent potentialities'
Centrum Leo Apostel, Universiteit Gent,Gent,13-02-1998:'A referentially realist epistemology for the experimental sciences: conceptual interpretation, material realization and formal correspondence'
4S Conference,Tucson,24-10-1997:'Observation, neural networks and human agency'
Facultaire Onderzoeksmiddag, Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, VU Amsterdam,Amsterdam,19-09-1997:'Filosofie als theoretische, normatieve en reflexieve activiteit'
Conference on Hermeneutics and Natural Science, Pennsylvania State University,State College,19-06-1997:'Elements of a theory of (scientific) experience'
Studium Generale, Universiteit van Amsterdam, : .,Amsterdam,27-02-1997:'Objectiviteit en normativiteit in de wetenschap'
NIAS Philosophy Group, Wassenaar,Wassenaar,17-02-1997:'Conceptual and connectionist accounts of observation: a critical evaluation'
EASST/4S Conference,Bielefeld,10-10-1996:'Knowledge and power: beyond classical and postmodern epistemology'
NIAS Philosophy Group, Wassenaar,Wassenaar,07-10-1996:'Philosophy and history of science: beyond the Kuhnian paradigm'
Guest lecture Philosophisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg,Heidelberg,27-06-1996:'An ontology for the empirical sciences: local realizations, nonlocal meanings and human-independent potentialities'
Conference on 'Images and Reality',Miskolc,14-06-1996:'Three forms of nonrepresentational realism'
AIO-workshop 'Op weg naar een duurzame samenleving', Onderzoeksschool 'Wetenschap, Technologie, en Moderne Cultuur',Enschede,10-05-1996:'Constructivisme en normativiteit'
Workshop 'Experiments: Their Meaning and Variety', Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung,Bielefeld,30-03-1996:'Issues in the (philosophical) study of experiment'
Facultair Colloquium, VU, Amsterdam,Amsterdam,15-12-1995:'Een ontologie voor de empirische wetenschappen: lokale realiseringen, niet-lokale betekenissen en mensonafhankelijke potentialiteiten'
Symposium 'Natuur: criterium of constructie?',Utrecht,29-09-1995:'De natuurlijke referenten en de cultuurlijke betekenissen van wetenschappelijke kennis'
Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Florence,19-08-1995:'The appropriate realization of technology'
International Conference on 'Hermeneutics and Natural Science',Leusden,14-07-1995:'History and philosophy of science: beyond the Kuhnian paradigm'
Kuhn workshop, Onderzoeksschool 'Wetenschap, Technologie en Moderne Cultuur',Enschede,02-02-1995:'Wetenschapsgeschiedenis, wetenschapsfilosofie en de kuhniaanse wending'
4S Conference,New Orleans,12-10-1994:'How science and technology studies and philosophy of science and technology might benefit each other'
EASST Conference,Budapest,30-08-1994:'The appropriate realization of technology'
Werkgroep Wetenschapsonderzoek, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Groningen,24-03-1994:'De geëigende realisering van technologie'
Guest lecture Vakgroep Wetenschaps- en technologiedynamika, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,25-02-1994:'Normative issues and/in science and technology studies'
International Conference on 'Issues in Agricultural Bioethics', University of Nottingham (co-presenter: Joske Bunders),Nottingham,15-09-1993:'The appropriate realization of agricultural biotechnology'
Science and Technology Dynamics Conference, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,23-06-1993:'Experimenting in the natural sciences: A philosophical approach'
Congres voor algemene en speciale wetenschapsfilosofie, Leusden,Leusden,15-05-1993:'Experimenting in the natural sciences: A philosophical approach'
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge,Cambridge, UK,14-04-1993:'Experimental reproducibility and the experimenters' regress'
Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association,Chicago,30-10-1992:'Experimental reproducibility and the experimenters' regress'
Openingsconferentie Fakulteit de Wijsbegeerte VU,Den Haag,25-09-1992:'Vrouwen- versus mannenkultuur: mannelijk en/of vrouwelijk kennen'
Studiedag 'Toegepaste filosofie in de praktijk', Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen,Wageningen,20-12-1991:'Normatieve reflecties op constructivistische benaderingen van wetenschap en technollogie'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, Polytechnical Institute,Boekarest,18-10-1991:'The material realization of science: experimentation and scientific realism'
Guest lecture Institute of Philosophy, Romanian Academy,Boekarest,,17-10-1991:'Experimentation, realization, and reality'
Meeting on 'Social Epistemology and Social Theory of Science',Uppsala,12-08-1991:'Normative reflexions on constructionist approaches to science and technology'
Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Uppsala,09-08-1991:'The experimenters' regress reconsidered'
Studentenvereniging 'Petrus Plancius',Amsterdam,20-02-1991:'Instrumentele versus communicatieve rationaliteit?'
Studium Generale, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam,06-02-1991:'Wat is objektiviteit in de wetenschap?'
Workshop on 'Social Epistemology', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Groningen,28-11-1990:'Realism and social epistemology'
Conference on 'Technological Development and Science in the 19th and 20th Century',Eindhoven,06-11-1990:'Experimentation and the possibility of scientified technology'
Conference on 'Rediscovering Skills',Bath,15-09-1990:'The material realization of experimental science and technology'
Conference on 'Table Top Experiments', University of Toronto,Toronto,24-03-1990:'How to analyze the stability of experiments?'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy of Nature, Eötvös University,Budapest,13-10-1989:'Heuristics and the generalized correspondence principle'
Guest lecture Hungarian Philosophy of Science Association,Budapest,12-10-1989:'The material realization of science: experimentation and scientific realism'
Philosophy of Science Conference,Dubrovnik,05-04-1989:'Heuristics and the generalized correspondence principle'
4S/EASST Conference,Amsterdam,19-11-1988:'Will there be room for normative inputs in the study of science and technology in the 1990s?'
Vakgroep Wetenschapsonderzoek, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Groningen,09-11-1988:'Twee modellen voor de relatie tussen wetenschap en technologie'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto,Toronto,24-03-1988:'The material realization of science: experimentation and scientific realism'
Guest lecture Department of Philosophy,Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana,22-03-1988:'Two models for the science-technology relationship'
Annual meeting of the "Midwest Junto" for the history of science,Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana,19-03-1988:'The correspondence principle and the rise of modern quantum theory'
Guest lecture ICS, Toronto,Toronto,11-03-1988:'Knowledge and power: two models for the science-technology relationship'
Guest lecture IHPST, University of Toronto,Toronto,10-03-1988:'Kramers and the Forman theses: the rise of quantum mechanics and the social explanation of scientific knowledge'
Studium Generale Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht,Utrecht,18-05-1987:'Realisme, anti-realisme en non-realisme'
Werkgemeenschap Wetenschapsonderzoek,Amsterdam,28-04-1987:'Coreferaat bij "Feministische analyses van wetenschap"'
4S Conference,Pittsburgh,25-10-1986:'Experiment, technology and the intrinsic connection between knowledge and power'
Landelijke werkgroep 'Grondslagen van de natuurkunde',Amsterdam,12-06-1986:'Het meetprobleem in de kwantummechanika'
Studium Generale UvA,Amsterdam,25-04-1986:'Habermas en de rationaliteitskrisis in de natuurwetenschappen'
Studium Generale VU,Amsterdam,23-04-1986:'Verklaren en interpreteren: Jürgen Habermas en de moderne wetenschapstheorie'
Conferentie 'Wetenschap en ideologie',Leusden,28-02-1986:'Kennis versus of kennis via ideologie: Over Weimarfysika en kernenergie'
Kring wetenschapsfilosofie,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,25-10-1985:'Wetenschap en werkelijkheid'
Bohrsymposium Nederlnadse Natuurkundige Vereniging,Utrecht,15-10-1985:'Niels Bohr en de gedachtenexperimenten'
Conference 'The uses of experiment',Bath,01-09-1985:'Testing and persuasion in science and technology'
NVON-congres,Nijmegen,23-08-1985:'Het korrespondentieprincipe en de overgang van de oude naar de nieuwe kwantummechanika'
Krisissymposium 'Wetenschap, orde en macht',Amsterdam,31-05-1985:'Kennis en macht in het kernenergiedebat'
Stafcolloquium Centrale Interfaculteit,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,01-05-1985:'Natuurwetenschap en werkelijkheid'