Books, edited volumes, and edited journal issues

  • From commodification to the common good: Reconstructing science, technology, and society (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019; 312 pp.). Chapter 1 is freely accessible here.
  • Co-editor (with Willem Halffman) of International responses to the Academic Manifesto: Reports from 14 Countries (Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2017: Special Report, 1-76). Freely accessible here.
  • Er middenin! Hoe filosofie maatschappelijk relevant kan zijn (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Vesuvius, 2016; 141 pp.).
  • Waartoe wetenschap? Over haar filosofische rechtvaardiging en maatschappelijke legitimering (Amsterdam: Farewell Address VU University, 2014; 21 pp.). Freely accessible here. Reprinted as an article in Waardenwerk, 2014, nr. 58/59, 48-61.
  • The material realization of science: From Habermas to experimentation and referential realism (revised edition, with a new postscript) (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012; xix+205 pp.). The Introduction is freely accessible here; the Conclusion and the Postscript 2012 here.
  • Editor of What prospects for a general philosophy of science? (Special theme section of the Journal for general philosophy of science, 43, 2012, 35 pp.).
  • Co-editor (with Alfred Nordmann and Gregor Schiemann) of Science transformed? Debating claims of an epochal break (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, x+222 pp.). Chapter 1 is freely accessible here.
  • Editor of The commodification of academic research: science and the modern university (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010, x+350 pp.). Chapter 1 is freely accessible here.
  • Editor of Technology, engineering and the sciences (Part 1 of A.W.M. Meijers, general editor, Philosophy of technology and engineering sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, 23-184).
  • Editor of Critical approaches to technology (Special issue of Social epistemology, 22, 2008, 124 pp.).
  • The World Observed/The World Conceived (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006, xii+220 pp.). Chaper 1 freely accessible here
  • Editor of The Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, xiv+312 pp.). Chapter 1 freely accessible here
  • Wetenschap als koopwaar? Een filosofische kritiek (Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel/Uitgeverij, 2003, 27 pp. Inaugural address).
  • In and about the World: Philosophical Studies of Science and Technology (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996; x+226 pp.). Chapter 1 freely accessible here.
  • Co-editor (with Annelies den Dulk) of Technologie en cultuur (Special section of Krisis, nr. 45, 1991; 44 pp.).
  • The Material Realization of Science (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1988; viii+204 pp.).
  • Co-editor (with Bernike Pasveer) of Technologie: kennis, retoriek, beheersing (Special section of Krisis, nr. 26, 1987; 64 pp.). Freely accessible here.
  • Editor of Wetenschap, orde en macht, (Special section of Krisis, nr. 18, 1985; 82 pp.).
  • De materiële realisering van wetenschap (Amsterdam: VU-uitgeverij, 1984; 213 pp.).

Translated publications

  • Co-author (with Alfred Nordmann and Gregor Schiemann) of Chinese translation of Science after the end of science? An introduction to the epochal break thesis (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2021).
  • Chinese translation of Science and its recent history: from an epochal break to novel, non-local patterns; and Epilogue: The sticking points of the epochal break thesis (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2021).
  • Co-author (with Sally Wyatt) of English translation of Ons algemeen kiesrecht kent aantal rare kronkels (Dutch, 29 April 2019). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Portuguese translation of The productivist university goes global (and so does its resistance) (Revista Adusp, 17, nr. 63, November 2019, 2-9). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Spanish translation of Report introduction, The struggle for the public university in the Netherlands, and The productivist university goes global (and so does its resistance) (In W. Halffman and H. Radder, eds. Respuestas internacionales al Manifiesto Académico: Informes desde 14 países. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación 23, 2018, 26-28, 90-95 and 96-103). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Portuguese translation of The Academic Manifesto: From an occupied to a public university (Revista Adusp 2017, no. 60, 6-25).
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of French translation of The Academic Manifesto: From an occupied to a public university, (Bulletin de Liaison du Syndicat des professeurs et professeures de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, 2017, no. 305, 3-14).
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Spanish translation of The Academic Manifesto: From an occupied to a public university (CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación 22, 2017, 259-281).
  • English translation of Alles van waarde is nuttig: hoe filosofie maatschappelijk relevant kan zijn (Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 5, no. 10, 2016, 20-26). Freely accessible here.
  • Editor of Chinese translation of The philosophy of scientific experimentation (Beijing: Science Press, 2015).
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Hungarian translation of The Academic Manifesto: From an occupied to a public university (BUKSZ (Budapest Review of Books), 2015, Spring-Summer, 114-120). Sections 1 and 2.
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian translation of The Academic Manifesto: From an occupied to a public university (Pregled (Periodical for social issues), 56 (1), 2015, 173-203).
  • Editor of Chinese translation of The philosophy of scientific experimentation ( Beijing: Science Press, 2015).
  • Co-author (with Alfred Nordmann and Gregor Schiemann) of German translation of Science after the end of science? An introduction to the epochal break thesis (Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2014, 7-23).
  • German translation of Science and its recent history: from an epochal break to novel, non-local patterns; and Epilogue: The sticking points of the epochal break thesis (Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2014, 97-111 and 238-242).
  • Russian translation of Why technologies are inherently normative (In O. Stoliarova, ed., Ontologies of artifacts: interrelations between ‘natural’ and ‘artificial’ components of the lifeworld. Moscow: Delo, 2012, 249-269). Translation shortened and edited.
  • German translation of The commodification of academic research: science and the modern university, chap. 10 (In C. Krijnen, C. Lorenz and J. Umlauf, eds, Wahrheit oder Gewinn? Über die Ökonomisierung von Universität und Wissenschaft. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011, 83-115).
  • Spanish translation of The world observed/The world conceived (Mexico City: Autonomous Metropolitan University Press, 2011).
  • Japanese translation of In and about the world, chap. 2 (Moralia, nr. 14, 2007, 78-135).

Scholarly journal articles and book chapters

  • Co-author (with Joost Smiers) of Medical research without patents: It’s preferable, it’s profitable, and it’s practicable (Accountability in research 2024, freely available here ).
  • Co-author (with Joost Smiers) of Betaalbare geneesmiddelen zonder Big Pharma (S&D 81 (6): 46-54, freely available here).
  • Empirical concepts: Their meaning and its emergence (Global philosophy 33 (article 8), 2023: 1-23. Freely available here).
  • How (not) to be held accountable in research: A reply to my critics (Accountability in research 30 (5), 2023: 284-291. Freely available here.).
  • The Critical Naturalism Manifesto: Some Comments (Krisis 43 (1): 114-116. Freely available here).
  • The critical theory of the common good, technology, and the corona tracking app (In D. Cressman, ed., The necessity of critique: Andrew Feenberg and the philosophy of technology (Cham: Springer, 2022: 41-64)).
  • Waarden en normen: hun rol in wetenschapsethiek en -politiek (Waardenwerk, 2022, nr. 88: 24-32).
  • How (not) to be held accountable in research: The case of the Dutch integrity code (Accountability in research 30 (5), 2022: 261-275. Freely available here).
  • Which science, which democracy, and which freedom? (In P. Hartl and A.T. Tuboly, eds, Science, freedom, democracy. Routledge: New York, 2021, 113-134).
  • Empiricism must, but cannot, presuppose real causation (Journal for general philosophy of science 52 (4), 2021: 597-608). Freely accessible here 
  • Co-author (with Yuanlin Guo) of The Chinese practice-oriented views of science and their political grounds (Zygon: Journal of religion & science 55 (3), 2020, 591-614.). Freely accessible here.
  • De kritische theorie van het gemeengoed, technologie en de coronamelder (Waardenwerk, nr. 82-83, December 2020, 17-35).
  • Notes on bias in the socio-material realization of AI technologies (Paper for conference on Bias in AI and Neuroscience, 17-19 June 2019, Radboud University Nijmegen). Revised 'extended abstract'. Freely accessible here.
  • Substantiële filosofie: met niet-discursieve inhoud maar zonder naturalisme (Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte 109 (2), 2017, 223-229).
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Report introduction (In W. Halffman and H. Radder, eds, International Responses to the Academic Manifesto: Reports from 14 Countries. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Special Report 2017, 1-2). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of The struggle for the public university in the Netherlands. (In W. Halffman and H. Radder, eds, International Responses to the Academic Manifesto: Reports from 14 Countries. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Special Report 2017, 63-68). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of The productivist university goes global (and so does its resistance) (In W. Halffman and H. Radder, eds, International Responses to the Academic Manifesto: Reports from 14 Countries.Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Special Report 2017, 69-76). Freely accessible here.
  • Which scientific knowledge is a common good? (Social epistemology, 31 (5), 2017, 431-450). Freely accessible here.
  • Technological systems and genuine public interests (In F. Scalambrino, ed., Social epistemology and technology: toward public self-awareness regarding technological mediation. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016, 27-36).
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of The academic manifesto: From an occupied to a public university (Minerva 53 (2), 2015, 165-187). Freely accessible here.
  • How inclusive is European philosophy of science? (International studies in the philosophy of science 29 (2), 2015, 149-165).
  • De cognitieve drie-eenheid: repliek (Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte 106 (1), 2014, 75-90).
  • De cognitieve drie-eenheid: realiseren, interpreteren en abstraheren (Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte 106 (1), 2014, 3-36).
  • Co-author (with Gerben Meynen) of Does the brain 'initiate' freely willed processes? A philosophy of science critique of Libet-type experiments and their interpretation (Theory and psychology, 23 (1), 2013, 3-21). Freely accessible here.
  • Exploring philosophical issues in the patenting of scientific and technological inventions (Philosophy and technology, 26 (3), 2013, 283-300).
  • Co-author (with Willem Halffman) of Het Academisch Manifest. Van een bezette naar een publieke universiteit (Krisis: tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 2013 (3), 2-18). Freely accessible here.
  • What prospects for a general philosophy of science? (Journal for general philosophy of science, 43 (1), 2012, 89-92).
  • Epilogue: The sticking points of the epochal break thesis (In A. Nordmann, H. Radder and G. Schiemann, eds, Science transformed? Debating claims of an epochal break. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, 201-205).
  • Science and its recent history: from an epochal break to novel, nonlocal patterns (In A. Nordmann, H. Radder and G. Schiemann, eds, Science transformed? Debating claims of an epochal break. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, 80-92).
  • Co-author (with Alfred Nordmann and Gregor Schiemann) of Science after the end of science? An introduction to the 'epochal break thesis' (In A. Nordmann, H. Radder and G. Schiemann, eds, Science transformed? Debating claims of an epochal break. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, 1-15). Freely accessible here.
  • A deflationary, neo-Mertonian critique of academic patenting (In M. Suárez, M. Dorato and M. Rédei, eds, EPSA Epistemology and methodology of science. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010, 221-231).
  • Rethinking science and values (International studies in the philosophy of science, 24 (1), 2010, 107-114).
  • Mertonian values, scientific norms, and the commodification of academic research (In H. Radder, ed., The commodification of academic research: science and the modern university. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010, 231-258).
  • The commodification of academic research (In H. Radder, ed., The commodification of academic research: science and the modern university. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010, 1-23). Freely accessible here.
  • Science and technology: positivism and critique (In J.K. Berg Olsen, S.A. Pedersen and V.F. Hendricks, eds, A companion to the philosophy of technology. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, 61-65).
  • Why technologies are inherently normative (In A. Meijers, ed., Philosophy of technology and engineering sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, 887-921).
  • Science, technology and the science-technology relationship (In A. Meijers, ed., Philosophy of technology and engineering sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, 65-91).
  • Introduction to Part I: Technology, engineering, and the sciences (In A.W.M. Meijers, ed., Philosophy of technology and engineering sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, 23-25).
  • The philosophy of scientific experimentation: a review (Automated experimentation, 1:2, 2009). Freely accessible here.
  • Critical philosophy of technology: the basic issues (Social epistemology, 22, 2008, 51-70).
  • Critical approaches to technology: editor’s introduction (Social epistemology, 22, 2008, 1-3).
  • Repliek aan Van Woudenberg, Buekens en Marres Krisis, 8, nr. 1, 2007, 95-104). Freely accessible here.
  • The world observed/the world conceived in vogelvlucht (Krisis, 8, nr. 1, 2007, 67-70). Freely accessible here.
  • Experiment (In J. Pfeifer and S. Sarkar, eds, The philosophy of science: an encyclopedia. New York: Routledge, 2006, 268-275.).
  • Exploiting abstract possibilities: A critique of the concept and practice of product patenting (Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics, 17, 2004, 275-291).
  • Chasing technoscience (Philosophy of science, 71, 2004, 614-618).
  • Pragmatism, ethics, and technology (Techné: research in philosophy and technology, 7, nr. 3, 2004, 10-18). Freely accessible here.
  • Technology and theory in experimental science (In H. Radder, ed., The philosophy of scientific experimentation. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, 152-173).
  • Toward a more developed philosophy of scientific experimentation (In H. Radder, ed., The philosophy of scientific experimentation. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, 1-18). Freely accessible here.
  • Kanttekeningen bij de filosofie van het wetenschappelijk experimenteren (Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte, 95, 2003, 221-224).
  • How concepts both structure the world and abstract from it (The review of metaphysics, 55, 2002, 581-613).
  • The origin and nature of modern science (International studies in the philosophy of science, 16, 2002, 291-295).
  • Psychology, physicalism and real physics (Theory and psychology, 11, 2001, 773-784).
  • The governance of science (Science, technology, and human values, 25, 2000, 520-527).
  • Conceptual and connectionist analyses of observation: a critical evaluation (Studies in history and philosophy of science, 30, 1999, 455-477).
  • Second thoughts on the politics of STS: A response to the replies by Singleton and Wynne (Social studies of science, 28, 1998, 344-348).
  • The politics of STS (Social studies of science, 28, 1998, 325-331).
  • Issues for a well-developed philosophy of scientific experimentation (In M. Heidelberger and F. Steinle, eds, Experimental essays — Versuche zum Experiment. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1998, 392-404).
  • Philosophy and history of science: beyond the Kuhnian paradigm (Studies in history and philosophy of science, 28, 1997, 633-655).
  • Experimenting in the natural sciences: a philosophical approach (In J.Z. Buchwald, ed., Scientific practice: theories and stories of doing physics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995, 56-86).
  • Co-author (with Joske Bunders) of The appropriate realization of agricultural biotechnology (In T.B. Mepham, G.A. Tucker and J. Wiseman, eds, Issues in agricultural bioethics. Nottingham: University of Nottingham Press, 1995, 177-204).
  • Repliek (Kennis en methode, 18, 1994, 198-201).
  • Wetenschapsfilosofie en wetenschapsonderzoek: op weg naar een vruchtbare lat-relatie? (Kennis en methode, 18, 1994, 157-168).
  • Science, realization and reality: the fundamental issues (Studies in history and philosophy of science, 24, 1993, 327-349).
  • Normative reflexions on constructivist approaches to science and technology (Social studies of science, 22, 1992, 141-173). Reprinted in Revue roumaine de philosophie, 36, 1992, 87-110.
  • Experimental reproducibility and the experimenters’ regress (In D. Hull, M. Forbes and K. Okruhlik, eds, PSA 1992, vol. 1. Philosophy of Science Association: East Lansing, 1992, 63-73).
  • Social epistemology: some comments (Kennis en methode, 15, 1991, 267-273).
  • Co-author (with Annelies den Dulk) of Technologische cultuur ter discussie (Krisis, nr. 45, 1991, 3-5).
  • Heuristics and the generalized correspondence principle (British journal for the philosophy of science, 42, 1991, 195-226).
  • Co-author (with Hans van den Berg and Dick Hoekzema) of Accardi on quantum theory and the 'fifth axiom' of probability (Philosophy of science, 57, 1990, 149-157).
  • Over de verhouding van conceptueel relatief en referentieel realisme (Kennis en methode, 14, 1990, 212-215).
  • Het probleem van het wetenschappelijk realisme (In M. Korthals, ed., Wetenschapsleer. Meppel: Boom, 1989, 70-86).
  • Rondom realisme (Kennis en methode, 13, 1989, 295-314).
  • Technologie onder kritiek? Kennis en methode, 12, 1988, 362-366).
  • Governing science and technology in a democracy (The journal of higher education, 59, 1988, 580-584).
  • Natuurwetenschap en techniek: het produceren en in stand houden van gesloten systemen (In M. Korthals, ed., Wetenschapsleer. Heerlen: Open Universiteit, 1988, 47-60).
  • Natuurwetenschap en techniek: hiërarchische en analoge modellen (In M. Korthals, ed., Wetenschapsleer. Heerlen: Open Universiteit, 1988, 29-45).
  • De relatie tussen natuurwetenschap en techniek (Krisis, nr. 26, 1987, 6-23).
  • Co-author (with Bernike Pasveer) of Technologie: kennis, retoriek, beheersing (Krisis, nr. 26, 1987, 3-5).
  • Quantummechanica en realisme (In M. Korthals, ed., Wetenschapsleer. Heerlen: Open Universiteit, 1987, 99-114).
  • De reductie van technologie tot arbeid (Kennis en methode, 10, 1986, 221-227).
  • Experiment, technology and the intrinsic connection between knowledge and power (Social studies of science, 16, 1986, 663-683).
  • Wat is progressieve filosofie? (Krisis, nr. 18, 1985, 101-106).
  • Het konflikt rond kernenergie en de intrinsieke verbondenheid van kennis en macht (Krisis, nr. 18, 1985, 37-51).
  • Co-author (with Jozef Keulartz and Chunglin Kwa) of Scientific and social problems and perspectives of alternative medicine. Analysis of a Dutch controversy (Radical philosophy, nr. 41, 1985, 2-9).
  • Over oude en nieuwe inzichten in de wetenschapstheorie (Kennis en methode, 9, 1985, 334-338).
  • Co-author (with Jozef Keulartz and Chunglin Kwa) of Maatschappelijke aspekten van de alternatieve geneeswijzen: hoe alternatief zijn de alternatieven? 37,5—Tijdschrift voor gezondheid en politiek, 2, nr. 1, 1984, 39-46).
  • Kramers and the Forman theses (History of science, 21, 1983, 165-182).
  • Co-author (with Jozef Keulartz and Chunglin Kwa) of Kritiek op commissie Muntendam en KNMG: beoordeling alternatieve geneeswijzen discutabel (37,5—Tijdschrift voor gezondheid en politiek, 1, nr. 3, 1983, 50-56).
  • Co-author (with Chunglin Kwa, Peter van Lieshout, Annemarie Mol and Pieter Pekelharing) of Onderhandelen over het laboratoriumleven (Krisis, nr. 8, 1982, 88-96).
  • Kramers en de Formanthesen (Kennis en methode, 6, 1982, 313-331).
  • An immanent criticism of Lakatos’ account of the 'degenerating phase' of Bohr's atomic theory (Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 13, 1982, 99-109).
  • Between Bohr’s atomic theory and Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics. A study of the Dutch physicist H.A. Kramers (Janus, 69, 1982, 223-252).
  • Co-author (with Hans van den Berg) of Is de eenheid van de fysica onbereikbaar? (Kennis en methode, 5, 1981, 56-63).
  • Realisme in natuur- en menswetenschappen. Een bespreking van het werk van Roy Bhaskar (Krisis, nr. 2, 1980, 61-81).
  • Habermas en Bhaskar: transcendentaal pragmatisme versus transcendentaal realisme (In Acta van de filosofiedag 1980. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit, 1980, 165-171).
  • Bohrs filosofie van de quantummechanica (Kennis en methode, 3, 1979, 411-432).
  • Co-author (with D.B.B. Rijsenbrij, A.B.M. Hoff and D.G. de Groot) of A KKRZ calculation on Indium: I. An ab initio approach, (Journal of physics F: Metal physics, 7, 1977, 2067-2075).

Reviews and other academic publications

  • Science unlimited? The challenges of scientism (Journal for general philosophy of science, 50, 2019 (4), 593-597).
  • Field philosophy and the societal value of basic research (Krisis: Journal for contemporary philosophy, 2019, nr.1, 123-126). Freely accessible here.
  • Post-truth en de vraag wat goede wetenschap is (Science Guide, 16 April 2018). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Henk de Regt and Edwin Koster) of Helen Longino en de wisselwerking tussen wetenschap en waarden (In A. Halsema and A. Roothaan, eds, Scheuren in het bolwerk ─ Vrouwen in de filosofie. Amsterdam: CLUE – VU, 2017, 3-12).
  • Standards: recipes for reality (Isis, 103, 2012, 762-763).
  • Is criticism of commodified science improper? (Science: e-letter, published 6 April 2011).
  • Unsimple truths: science, complexity, and policy (Isis, 102, 2011, 385-386).
  • Experience and the world’s own language (Review of metaphysics, 62(4), 2009, 928-930).
  • Hoe herwin je 'de ziel van de wetenschap'? Academisch onderzoek en universitaire kenniseconomie (Academische boekengids, nr. 75, July 2009, 8-13). Reprinted in R. Hoekstra and E. de Jong, eds, Macht en wetenschap. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers, 2011, 131-141.
  • De Vrije Universiteit en het wij-zij-denken (In de marge, 15, 2006, 47-52).
  • Welke toekomst voor het filosofisch onderzoek? (Krisis, 6, nr. 2, 2005, 12-17).
  • Alles van waarde is nuttig (In R. van Woudenberg, M. Willemsen en G. Buys, eds, Het nut van filosofie. Budel: Damon, 2004, 39-45).
  • Mary Midgley on science, nature, metaphysics and ethics: Some comments (In W.B. Drees, ed., Is nature ever evil? Religion, science and value. London: Routledge, 2003, 29-31).
  • The evaluation of technical progress (EASST review, 16, September 1997, 9-12).
  • The study and evaluation of large technical systems (EASST newsletter, 11, September 1992, 7-9).
  • Wetenschapsfilosofie in de VS: een oriëntatie (Krisis, nr. 36, 1989, 43-46).
  • Co-author (with Henk Bodewitz and Werner Callebaut) of Philosophy and humanities (In E.K. Hicks and W. Callebaut, eds, Evaluative proceedings 4S/EASST 1988. SISWO: Amsterdam, 1989, 65-78).
  • H.A. Kramers: between tradition and revolution (Isis, 80, 1989, 719-720).
  • Will there be room for normative inputs in the study of science and technology in the 1990s? (Science, technology, and human values, 13, 1988, 172-173).
  • Risiko-analyse als psychotherapie? (W&S, 1985, nr. 9, 26-28).
  • Rationaliteit en natuurwetenschap in de angelsaksiese wetenschapstheorie (Krisis, nr. 7, 1982, 86-89).

Other publications

  • De anti-propaganda voor het wetenschappelijke boek (Science Guide, 19 March 2024. Freely accessible here).
  • Antivaxers eisen vrijheid, maar krijgen die al op een presenteerblad aangereikt  (De Volkskrant, October 6, 2021).
  • Korter collegejaar redt faculteiten (Ad Valvas, April 16, 2020). Freely accessible here.
  • Nederlands translation of Langdurig veilige kernenergie is een gevaarlijke wensdroom, alleen al door het afval (De Volkskrant, September 25, 2020). Freely accessible here
  • Co-author (with Sally Wyatt) of Ons algemeen kiesrecht kent aantal rare kronkels (De Volkskrant, April 23, 2019, 18).
  • Bevordert NWO slodderintegriteit? (Science Guide, 28 November 2016). Freely accessible here.
  • Verbeter het lot van de onderzoeker (Trouw, February 24, 2015, 20).
  • Co-author (with René Boomkens and René Gabriëls) of Universiteit echt democratiseren (Dagblad De Limburger/Limburgs Dagblad, March 19, 2015).
  • Patenteren is strijdig met het open karakter van wetenschap (Soφie 4, nr.4, August 2014, 34).
  • Wij zijn (gelukkig) niet ons brein. Het maatschappelijk belang van filosofie en geesteswetenschappen (De Groene Amsterdammer, October 31, 2013). Freely accessible here.
  • Co-author (with Karen Vintges) of Groter is niet beter (Folia Magazine, nr. 13, December 4, 2013, 15-16).
  • Open access (NRC Weekend, May 5-6, 2012, Wetenschap 13).
  • Open access gooit de deur in het slot (Onderzoek Nederland, nr. 302, June 8, 2012, 5).
  • Managers Vrije Universiteit sturen wetenschappers naar huis (Trouw, September 15, 2012, 22). Freely accessible here.
  • Hef de bijzondere status van de VU op (Ad valvas, 58, January 6, 2011, 4).
  • Wetenschappers zitten klem tussen universiteit en NWO (Ad valvas, October 20, 2011). Freely accessible here.
  • Hoe de universiteit weer wat geld kan maken (NRC/Handelsblad, 40, April 19, 2010, 8).
  • Newspeak aan de Vrije Universiteit University (Ad valvas, 55, March 2, 2008, 2).
  • Is de VU teloorgegaan? (Ad valvas, 53, nr. 22, March 2, 2006, 8-9).
  • Geen wonder dat er wordt gefraudeerd (Ad valvas, 50, nr. 33, May 15, 2003, 2).
  • Productpatenten (Ad valvas, 50, nr. 16, December 18, 2003, 5).
  • Ethiek in DNA-debat onmisbaar (De Volkskrant, 79, March 6, 2001, 9).
  • Hoe patenteer je de zon? (Trouw, 58, December 9, 2000, 49).
  • Melkflessen, metrokaartjes en (post)modernisme (Krisis, nr. 42, 1991, 29-31). Reprinted in G. Peterse, ed., Naar een filosofie van verbondenheid. Aktie Strohalm: Utrecht, 1991, 63-74.
  • De uitrit (Filosofie magazine, 7, nr.3, 1998, 33).
  • Niels Bohr: fysicus/filosoof (Natuur en techniek, 53, 1985, 728-741).


  • (Interview by Sicco de Knecht), Fundamenteel onderzoek is niet alleen nieuwsgierigheid (Science guide, 24 January 2020). Freely accessible here.
  • (Interview by Margriet van der Heijden), De pr-afdeling weegt wetenschappers als krantenadvertenties, (NRC, February 1-2, 2014, W6).
  • (Interview by Dirk de Hoog), Wetenschappers hebben meer rust nodig (Ad Valvas, January 14, 2015, 24). Freely accessible here.
  • (Interview by Bert Westenbrink), U schrijft, wij publiceren (Ad Valvas, February 26, 2014, 18-21).
  • (Interview by Floor Bal), Het universiteitssysteem is verrot (Ad valvas, April 24, 2013, 24.).
  • (Interview by Malini Witlox), H.NU: nieuw initiatief om universiteiten te veranderen (Univers online, November 26, 2013). Freely accessible here.
  • (Interview by Rudy Dek), Vooruit, dan nu de enige waarheid (Quodest Communicatie, November 28, 2012).
  • (Interview by Bas Belleman and Marijke de Vries), Wetenschappers willen niet langer gratis werken (Ad valvas, October 20, 2011).
  • (Interview by Kevin Kosterman), De strijd heeft zijn prijs (C2W Life Sciences 19-12, November 12, 2011).
  • (Interview by Scott Jaschik), Commodification of academic research (Inside Higher Ed, October 25, 2010). Freely accessible here.
  • (Interview by Paul Rübsaam), Geknecht door de computer (Ad valvas, 51, nr. 30, April 15, 2004, 7).
  • (Interview by Tjirk van der Ziel), De koopkracht van de wetenschap (Nederlands dagblad, May 23, 2003, Het Katern, 2).
  • (Interview by Peter Breedveld), Patenten zijn geen panacee (Ad valvas, 50, nr. 13, November 27, 2003, 5).
  • (Interview by Hanne Obbink), Wetenschap gaat niet goed samen met patent (Staatscourant, nr. 232, December 1, 2003, 2).